Learn to search the biomedical literature with the new PubMed, a free online scientific database from the National Libraries of Medicine and the NIH. The new PubMed interface will become the default PubMed in mid-May. This webinar is to help you become acclimated with the new interface and be able to use it. The webinar will discuss basic search techniques and features of the new PubMed database that will allow you to filter and enhance your search, understand the options to display results in different ways, and access full-text articles.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Become aware of the basic rules for doing a good search
Perform a search in the new PubMed and identify options for displaying and filtering search results
Understand how to obtain full-text articles and view similar articles
Registration is required. After registering participants will receive the class URL via email 3 days before the webinar.