A stroke is an emergency – it can happen to anyone, at any time, and at any age. Join us on Monday, Sept. 16 from noon - 1 p.m. for "Stroke Awareness and Prevention" at the VCU Medical Center Health and Wellness Library. Presented by Kristina Gooch and Emily Maines, this lunchtime program will discuss what happens when someone experiences a stroke and what occurs on the way to and at the hospital. Save a life by having a better understanding of stroke and by knowing what signs and symptoms to look for. Brought to you by the Health and Wellness Library and VCU HR.
The program is free and open to everyone. Lunch is provided. Space is limited so registration is required: https://vcu.libcal.com/event/5765293. For more information, contact 804-828-2432 | ricasatakj@vcu.edu. The Health and Wellness Library is located in VCU Health Gateway Building, ground floor, RM G-112.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Health and Wellness Library, Gateway Building