Ever wonder what goes on in a poison center? Now's your chance to find out! Join us for “Real Stories from the Virginia Poison Center” on Tuesday, Sept. 5 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Health and Wellness Library. You'll hear about authentic experiences and useful prevention tips from Virginia Poison Center toxicology nurses. Learn how to integrate these examples and prevention tips into your everyday lives. Please note: to protect patient anonymity, some details will be modified.
Health and Wellness Library programs are free and open to everyone. Lunch is provided. Space is limited so registration is required: https://vcu.libcal.com/event/5761821. For more information, contact 804-828-2432 or healthlibrary@vcuhealth.org. The Health and Wellness Library is located in VCU Health Gateway Building, ground floor, RM G-112.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Health and Wellness Library, Gateway Building