Please join us in the Community Health Education Center (CHEC) on Thursday, September 27 at noon for a program about language barriers and health. Antonio Villa, MD MPH, President of La Casa De La Salud will discuss resources for finding health information in the Spanish language and he will present an overview of outreach programs and services available to the community through the non-profit group Casa de Salud. Pilar Garcia, CMI, Office of Language Services at VCU Health will provide a training session about cultural awareness and cultural competency. She will also provide an overview of language services available for patients at VCU Health that you can use to help your patients.
A light lunch will be provided. The program is free. Space is limited so registration is required. Please call 804-828-2432 if you have any questions. CHEC is located on the ground floor of the Gateway Building.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Health and Wellness Library, Gateway Building