Event box

In his new collection of poems and short stories, Thoughts On a Bicycle, Mark Davy, M.D. weaves an optimistic narrative that reveals to readers why all of life’s hills and rough terrain are “worth the ride.” Dr. Davy has not only practiced medicine in Virginia for 38 years, but his writing has been featured in over 40 local and national publications. Join the Health and Wellness Library on Wednesday, March 12 at noon to hear Dr. Davy read selections from his new book. Afterwards, Dr. Davy will stick around for questions and a book signing.

This in-person program is free and open to everyone.

For more information: contact (804) 828-2432 or healthlibrary@vcuhealth.org

The VCU Medical Center Health and Wellness Library is located in the VCU Health Gateway Building, Ground Floor, Room G-112. Visit us in-person, online, and on Facebook.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Health and Wellness Library, Gateway Building

Registration is required. There are 29 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Dana Ladd
Dana Ladd

Email: dlladd@vcu.edu


Call (804) 628-2429