Event box

Mendeley is a tool that helps users manage, share, annotate, and cite citations to research. Citation collections are stored in the cloud and can be used across various devices or platforms. In this workshop participants will learn how to install Mendeley, import citations and PDFs from various databases, organize a library of citations, and insert citations into a document. 


At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Install Mendeley Reference Manager
  • Import citations from PubMed and PDFs from various sources using the Mendeley web browser plug in
  • Organize citations into collections
  • Annotate PDFs and make notes that can be shared.
  • Use Mendeley plugin to place in-text citations and a bibliography  into a document

The workshop is free and open to all.  Registration is required. A recording will be emailed to all registrants.

Please contact mosssr2@vcu.edu or 804-828-3737 for more information.  

Monday, February 26, 2024
11:00am - 12:00pm
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Samantha Guss
Samantha Guss

Research and Education Librarian, Liaison to VCU School of Population Health

Sue Moss

Sue Moss

VCU Health Science Libraries

Research & Education Coordinator

