Julie Arendt is available at multiple locations.
Select the location where you would like to book an appointment.
Just click a date on the calendar and a time slot to set up an appointment and tell me a little bit about what you want to talk about in the "How can I help you?" box. If none of the available times works for you, please email me at jaarendt@vcu.edu or call (804) 828-1539.
For consultations at Cabell Library, the easiest way to find me is to ask at the desk on the first floor, and I will come out to meet you. For online consultations, the confirmation email will provide a link to the meeting room. If you would like to use another format, please let me know by leaving a note in the "How can I help you? box.
If you require any accommodations for this appointment, please let me know in the "How can I help you?" box.
Julie Arendt is available at multiple locations.
Select the location where you would like to book an appointment.